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אמר ליה שטרא זייפא הוא גחין לחיש ליה לרבה אין שטרא זייפא הוא מיהו שטרא מעליא הוה לי ואירכס ואמינא אינקיט האי בידאי כל דהו

The first said to him in response: It is a forged bill of sale. The possessor leaned over and whispered to Rabba: Yes, it is a forged bill. But I had a proper bill of sale and it was lost, and I said to myself: I will hold this bill of sale in my possession, such as it is.

אמר רבה מה לו לשקר אי בעי אמר ליה שטרא מעליא הוא אמר ליה רב יוסף אמאי סמכת אהאי שטרא האי שטרא חספא בעלמא הוא

Rabba said: Why would he lie and state this claim? If he wants to lie, he can say to him that it is a proper bill of sale, and he would have been deemed credible and awarded the field. Rav Yosef said to Rabba: In the final analysis, on what are you relying to award him the land? On this bill of sale? This admittedly forged bill is merely a worthless shard, and cannot be used in court as evidence.

ההוא דאמר לחבריה הב לי מאה זוזי דמסיקנא בך והא שטרא אמר ליה שטרא זייפא הוא גחין לחיש ליה לרבא אין שטרא זייפא מיהו שטרא מעליא הוה לי ואירכס ואמינא אינקיט האי בידאי כל דהו

The Gemara relates a similar incident: There was a certain person who said to another: Give me one hundred dinars that I am attempting to collect from you, and this is the promissory note that attests to the debt. The latter said to him in response: It is a forged promissory note. The first person leaned over and whispered to Rava: Yes, it is a forged promissory note. But I had a proper promissory note and it was lost, and I said to myself: I will hold this promissory note in my possession, such as it is.

אמר רבה מה לו לשקר אי בעי אמר ליה שטרא מעליא הוא אמר ליה רב יוסף אמאי קא סמכת אהאי שטרא האי שטרא חספא בעלמא הוא

Rabba said: Why would he lie and state this claim? If he wants to lie, he can say to him that it is a proper promissory note, and he will be deemed credible and awarded the money. Rav Yosef said to Rabba: In the final analysis, on what are you relying to award him the money? On this promissory note? This document is merely a shard, and cannot be used in court as evidence.

אמר רב אידי בר אבין הלכתא כוותיה דרבה בארעא והלכתא כוותיה דרב יוסף בזוזי הלכתא כרבה בארעא דהיכא דקיימא ארעא תיקום והלכתא כוותיה דרב יוסף בזוזי דהיכא דקיימי זוזי לוקמי

The Gemara notes the final ruling in these two cases. Rav Idi bar Avin said: The halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rabba with regard to land, and the possessor is awarded the land, and the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rav Yosef with regard to money, and the one demanding payment is not awarded the money. He explains: The halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rabba with regard to land, as the court rules that the land should remain where it is, i. e., with the possessor. And the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rav Yosef with regard to money, as the court rules that the money should remain where it is, i. e., in the possession of the purported debtor.

ההוא ערבא דאמר ליה ללוה הב לי מאה זוזי דפרעתי למלוה עילוך והא שטרא אמר ליה לאו פרעתיך אמר לאו הדרת שקלתינהו מינאי

The Gemara relates: There was a certain guarantor who said to a debtor: Give me one hundred dinars for the money that I repaid the creditor on your behalf, and this is the document that I received from him when I repaid your debt. The debtor said to the guarantor: Is it not so that I repaid you? The guarantor said to the debtor: Yes, you did, but is it not so that you later took the money from me again?

שלחה רב אידי בר אבין לקמיה דאביי כי האי גוונא מאי שלח ליה אביי מאי תיבעי ליה הא איהו דאמר הלכתא כוותיה דרבה בארעא והלכתא כוותיה דרב יוסף בזוזי דהיכא דאוקמו זוזי לוקמו

Rav Idi bar Avin sent the following question before Abaye: What is the halakha in a case like this? Abaye sent him the following response: What does he, i. e., Rav Idi bar Avin, ask? Isn’t he the one who said: The halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rabba with regard to land, and the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rav Yosef with regard to money, as the court rules that the money should remain where it is? Based on his own ruling, the money should remain with the debtor.

והני מילי דאמר ליה הדרת אוזפתינהו מינאי אבל אמר ליה הדרתינהו ניהלך מחמת דהוו שייפי וסומקי אכתי איתיה לשעבודא דשטרא

The Gemara notes: And this matter applies only in a case where the guarantor says to the debtor: You later borrowed the money from me after you had repaid me. But if the guarantor said to the debtor: I returned to you the money that you had repaid me because of the fact that the coins were worn out or overly reddish, i. e., discolored, and would not be easily accepted as currency, then the lien of the document is still in effect. The debt to the guarantor had not actually been repaid, and the document is still in effect. In that case, the guarantor collects from the debtor.

רבא בר שרשום נפק עליה קלא דקא אכיל ארעא דיתמי אמר ליה אביי אימא לי איזי גופא דעובדא היכי הוה אמר ליה ארעא במשכונתא הוה נקיטנא מאבוהון דיתמי והוה לי

The Gemara relates: A rumor emerged concerning Rava bar Sharshom that he was profiting from land belonging to orphans. Abaye said to him: Tell me, my friend, concerning the incident itself, how is it that this rumor was generated? Rava bar Sharshom said to him: I was holding on to the land as collateral from the father of the orphans, and I had