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אבל אם שמע וקיים או ששמע ושתק ומת ביום שלאחריו אין יכול להפר

But if it is a case where the husband of a betrothed young woman heard and ratified the vow, or where he heard, and was silent, and died on the following day, in which case his silence is considered ratification of the vow, then the father cannot nullify the vow.

שמע אביה והפר לה ולא הספיק בעל לשמוע עד שמת האב זו היא ששנינו מת האב לא נתרוקנה רשות לבעל שמע בעלה והפר לה ולא הספיק האב לשמוע עד שמת הבעל זו היא ששנינו מת הבעל נתרוקנה רשות לאב

If her father heard or was made aware of the vow and nullified it for her but the husband did not manage to hear of the vow before the father died, this is what we learned in the same mishna (70a): If the father dies, the authority over her vows does not revert to the husband, i. e., a young woman’s betrothed cannot nullify her vows alone, without the father. If her husband heard the vow and nullified it for her, and the father did not manage to hear of the vow before the husband died, this is what we learned in the mishna: If the husband dies, the authority reverts to the father.

שמע בעלה והפר לה ולא הספיק האב לשמוע עד שמת אין הבעל יכול להפר שאין הבעל מיפר אלא בשותפות

If her husband heard and nullified the vow for her, and the father did not manage to hear of the vow before he died, the husband cannot nullify it, although she no longer has a father, as the husband can nullify vows only in partnership with the father.